Hello! Ruth here 👋 I'm a beer lovin', sun surfing, crypto native designer who crafts meaningful digital products and experiences. Currently the product design lead at Injective Labs, designing DeFi products such as DEXs, ecosystem tools like explorer, staking dashboard etc.

My crypto experience

I thrive in fast-paced startup environments, where I can wear multiple hats and work with small team to build and iterate products quickly. In addition, I bring valuable experience in establishing design processes within organizations and scaling design teams as needed.

Here are some highlights from my experience prior to Injective:

Dune - 2021-2022

First & only designer at Dune, product design for on-chain crypto data, dashboards, also visual design on swags, posters and overall branding.

CoinMarketCap - 2021

Product design for crypto data and content with millions of users. Website and mobile app features include Portfolio, Diamonds, Stats and Homepage. - 2018-2021

As the product design lead at , joined as the first designer to lead design and scaled the team from 1-8 within 2 years. Worked on most products from end-to-end.

Pre-crypto era

Before my crypto journey, I worked at both digital agency and in-house startup environments, designing digital experiences for startups and clients in various industries including fintech, hospitality, e-commerce and telecom.

I graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. While some may be deterred by Baltimore's crime and chaotic reputation, I found the city filled with inspiring and energetic people who are working hard to make it better every day.

What's in my mind?

I spent a lot of time thinking how design and people are related. As our world becomes more technically driven, the importance of people is more than it's ever been.

I enjoy working in collaboration with other designers/thinkers/artists because it stimulates the creative process. It's always exciting for me to meet new people and learn about new ideas. I am happy to grab a coffee or beer with you, please reach out!