We're on a mission to make crypto data accessible. Here are the fundamental values that guide our collective journey to realizing that mission.

šŸ§™Ā User Empathy

Weā€™re here to make the lives of our users easier. We put ourselves in their shoes and obsess over solving their problems. We never let any of our efforts drift away from that pursuit.

šŸ€Ā Change The Game

We are ambitious and care about having a massive impact on the world. We have the courage to make bold decisions and transform the world around us. We donā€™t settle for small outcomes.

šŸ„‡Ā One Team, One Dream

We are one team working together to realize our mission. Our priority is team over individual. We work as a tight knit group moving fast together across teams and functions.

šŸ’°Ā Our Integrity Is Priceless

Our integrity is revealed when itā€™s costly to maintain. We have the courage to stand up for what is right even if we face adversity or if nobody is looking. Our integrity defines us and without it we have nothing.

šŸŽ¢Ā Embrace The Rollercoaster

Our ride requires a growth mindset and the ability to enjoy working on an endless stream of really hard problems. Discover opportunities to learn and grow where others see crises. A roller coaster ride is uncomfortable but will also make you smile and laugh if you embrace it.

ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ Get To The Heart Of It

We communicate directly and concisely. We tackle difficult topics head on and believe that daring to have difficult conversations yields better outcomes, relationships and more trust.

šŸƒSense of Urgency

We move fast and work hard to get things done. We have a bias for action because action produces information we can iterate on.

šŸŖ„ Create Magic

Take pride in your work and strive for excellence. We donā€™t settle for uninspired efforts, but go the extra mile to make something magical.

Andrew and Niles